One community at a time…
Long Way Home's mission as a registered US 501(c)3 is to mobilize people to actively participate in democracy and create innovative pathways to economic and environmental justice, through green building, employment, and education.
We envision communities equipped to innovate and act responsibly in the face of local and global challenges.
We firmly believe that in order to create sustainable and impactful change it is imperative to root solutions in contextual community knowledge.
Therefore, we aim to create opportunities and facilitate the skills-based education necessary to empower and equip local community development practitioners.
We believe that the path to real, lasting change is through youth capacity-building and we are convinced that the creative reuse of waste materials in construction is an adaptable global solution with compounded impacts.
As Comalapans, our students, builders, and teachers know best where change is needed.
Through Long Way Home, they will be joined by volunteers from all over the world, and will use their knowledge in green construction to improve infrastructure for each aldea in San Juan Comalapa, while also engaging in equitable intercultural collaboration.
Interested in supporting our mission? Your support helps keep it alive! Donate today.
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